Meet Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO at Wendell Family Medicine in Wendell, NC
Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO has over 35 years of experience providing comprehensive medical care for all members of the family, from infants to the elderly with an emphasis on healing, maintenance, and prevention at Wendell Family Medicine in Wendell, NC. For more information, contact us today or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 2839 Wendell Blvd Suite 100, Wendell, NC 27591.
Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO
Table of Contents:
What is the professional experience of Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO?
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO?
Does Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO accept new patients?
Does Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO accept insurance?
Want to know more about Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO:
Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO has over 35 years of experience providing comprehensive medical care for all members of the family, from infants to the elderly with an emphasis on healing, maintenance, and prevention. Originally from Texas, then practicing in Connecticut, Dr. Duncan has been treating patients in the Carolinas since 2013 and is excited to settle down in Wendell. She has a passion for women’s health providing hormonal consultation in addition to well and problem-focused care.
You can schedule an appointment by visiting our contact page. Please note that your request is not guaranteed until we contact you. Please allow at least 24 hours for us to contact you.
Yes, Dr. Anna Marie Duncan, DO is accepting new patients at 2839 Wendell Blvd Suite 100, Wendell, NC 27591.
Please visit our insurance inquiry page to learn more.
When not treating patients, Dr. Duncan enjoys sewing especially making quilts. She also is an accomplished beekeeper and makes delicious honey. After a full day, she loves to spend time at home with her cat and mini long-haired dachshund.